Alberto Piaggesi CV


Alberto Piagessi

MD, Professor, Endocrinologist

Date of birth: 2 March 1956

Current position:

Director of the Diabetic Foot Section of the Pisa University Hospital, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Pisa, Italy

Academic Education:

  • In 1982 Degree in Medicine and Surgery  at University of Pisa, scoring full marks.
  • In 1987 Specialization in Internal Medicine at University of Pisa, scoring full marks with honor.
  • In 1987 hired as Senior Registrar at Dept. of Medicine della Royal Infirmary. In the same period, enable for practice of medicine in UK.
  • In 1988 internships in Geneva with Prof. Jean Philippe Assal on interactive educative methods for diabetic patient.
  • In 1998 attended the third “Oxford European Wound Healing Summer School” course direct by  Proff. Terence Ryan and George Cherry.
  • In 1989 stage in Ann Arbor (Michigan) with Proff. Douglas Greene and Andrew Sima on management and diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy.
  • In 1993 specialization in Endocrinology and Metabolic diseases (full marks with honor) at  l’University of Pisa
  • In 1994 one month period at Deaconess Hospital in Boston, Podiatry section of dept. of vascular surgery  (Proff. LoGerfo, Gibbons and Habershaw) for an upgrade on management of lower limbs complications.

Previous employments and relevant professional experience:

  • Since 2012,  Diabetic Foot Unit Director, Department of Medicine, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisana
  • Since 2003 Diabetic Foot Section Responsible
  • Since 1991 full-time Consultant  at U.O. Malattie del Metabolismo e  Diabetologia della Azienda Ospedaliera Pisana. Chief, responsible for the complications of the lower limbs section.
  • From 1988 to 1991 responsible of the territorial medical service at USL 12 Area Pisana
  • In 1987 Senior Registrar at Department of Medicine of Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh (UK)
  • From 1982 to 1987 – with an interruption for the military service (done in 1984 as military medical officer),  physician in charge of the Clinical Centre at Pisa´s penitentiary.


  • Member of “Board of Directors” of Diabetic Foot Study Group of European Association for the Study of Diabetes.
  • Member of Società Italiana di Diabetologia, coordinator of diabetic foot study group, co-founder of GISED and  member of study groups on neuropathy and education.
  • Member of Associazione Medici Diabetologi
  • Member of American Diabetes Association
  • Member of European Tissue Repair Society
  • Past-Chairman Gruppo di Studio “Piede Diabetico” della Società Italiana di Diabetologia


  • More than 100 publications on national and international papers, three monographies in Italian on neuropathy and lower limbs complications.
  • Chapters on tissue repair.
  • Co-author of CD “Mercurio”, multimedial support on diabetic foot.
  • Referee for “Diabetic Medicine” Journal.