

Hotel San Ranieri

Room reservations at the course venue, Hotel San Ranieri, should be booked via the online registration.

Accommodation in Pisa

The course will be held at Hotel San Ranieri, situated close to the Pisa University Hospital.
We therefore recommend that course participants book their accommodation here. Please book your accommodation via the online registration.

However, if you would like to receive information about alternative accommodation opportunities, the secretariat will also be happy to provide you with a short list of other hotels situated close to the hospital.

Please note that since no formal agreement has been made with these hotels, the secretariat can not guarantee price levels or standards of these hotels.

Recommended hotel

Hotel San Ranieri

Via Mazzei 2
56124 PISA

We have pre-booked hotel rooms at San Ranieri Hotel for the delegates. Please make your hotel reservation through the online registration system. You can also add the accommodation at a later date, if rooms are still available. The hotel accommodation will be added to the registration fee.  

Room rates:

Superior double room for single use: 179 EUR per night including breakfast buffet, Wifi and VAT.

Superior double room: 199 EUR per night including breakfast buffet, Wifi and VAT.

Upon arrival, you will be asked to pay a City tax of 3 EUR per person per night directly at the hotel reception.

City tax:
Upon arrival, you will be asked to pay 3 EUR per person per night directly at the hotel reception.