

Pisa International Diabetic Foot Webinar Series

Following our recent experience during pandemic lockdown, during which we delivered three well attended webinars on chronic oedema, total contact casting and osteomyeltis, respectively, we now move to a webinar series, covering other interesting aspects of the Diabetic Foot Syndrome (DFS).

In the spirit of the courses we aim not only to focus on some topics peculiar to DFS, but also to introduce new perspectives on this still undervalued pathology and bring new arguments for a discussion on how to frame and manage what is becoming one of the most prevalent and complex diabetes-related clinical syndromes.

This is why we organized the 90-minute webinars in a way that 30 minutes would be dedicated in the end for discussion. We hope that this formula will help attendees to actively take part in the discussion that we foresee as “alive and kicking”.

All webinars are available for free on-demand.

Alberto Piaggesi

Scientific Responsible & Chair of the Pisa International Diabetic Foot Courses
MD, Professor, Diabetologist
Director of the Diabetic Foot Section of the Pisa University Hospital, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Pisa, Italy

We would like to thank Essity for sponsoring the webinar series. Essity has not had any influence on the content of the webinars.

Watch on-demand: Beyond Total Contact Cast: Offloading DF in the acute and chronic phase

15 December 2022 – 17:30 – 19:00 CET

Beyond Total Contact Cast: Offloading DF in the acute and chronic phase

Chair and discussant: Alberto Piaggesi

The evidence behind effective offloading – Sicco Bus

Materials and techniques to effectively offload DF – Gabriele Montini

Watch on-demand: The patient beyond the wound                                    

1 December 2022 – 17:30 – 19:00 CET

The patient beyond the wound

Chair and discussant: Alberto Piaggesi

The narrative medicine approach to the patient with chronic wounds – Stefania Bargagna

Living with chronic wounds: three points of view on the same issue – Aurora Piaggesi

Watch on-demand: Costs and cost-effectiveness in the management of Diabetic Foot Syndrome

16 September 2021 – 17:30 – 19:00 CEST

Costs and cost/effectiveness in the management of Diabetic Foot Syndrome

Chair and discussant: Alberto Piaggesi

What we know – Julian Guest

What we would like to know – Jan Apelqvist 

Watch on-demand: Diabetic Foot Syndrome and infections: a complex interplay

2 September 2021 – 17:30 – 19:00 CEST

Diabetic Foot Syndrome and infections: a complex interplay

Chair and discussant: Alberto Piaggesi

The peculiarity of infections in DF – José Luis Lázaro Martínez

Surgery and medical management of DF Infections – Elisabetta Iacopi 

Watch on-demand: Diabetic Foot Syndrome and the quality of life

1 July 2021 – 17:30 – 19:00 CEST

Diabetic Foot Syndrome and the quality of life

Chair and discussant: Michael Edmonds

The physicians’ perspective – Vilma Urbančič Rovan

The patients’ perspective – Kristien van Acker

Watch on-demand: The silent killer: Diabetic Foot Syndrome and mortality

17 June 2021 – 17:30 – 19:00 CEST

The silent killer: Diabetic Foot Syndrome and mortality

Chair and discussant: David G. Armstrong

DFS and cardiovascular deaths – José Luis Lázaro Martínez

DFS and cancer – Chiara Goretti 

Watch on-demand: Calcium trafficking, inflammation and the Diabetic Foot

The webinar was held 3 June 2021 – 18:00 – 19:30 CEST

Calcium trafficking, inflammation and the Diabetic Foot

Chair and discussant: Alberto Piaggesi

Calcification/decalcification in Charcot’s foot – Nina Petrova

Calcification of peripheral artery disease: new findings and new meanings – Roberto Ferraresi 

We would like to thank Essity for sponsoring the webinar. Essity has not had any influence on the content of the webinar.

Watch on-demand: Webinar on Bioactive glass in the management of diabetic foot osteomyelitis

Watch on-demand: Webinar on Total Contact Cast and the Diabetic Foot: All that you’ve always wanted to know but you’ve never dared to ask!

Watch on-demand: Webinar on “The role of chronic oedema in the pathogenesis and management of wounds in the lower extremities”